The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story is the story of three little goats. All the goats have habits for eating good Grass. They go across the river to eat one day. To know more How all goats cross that river and get rid of a big dilemma Read the Full Story of The three billy goats gruff story.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story

In a mountain valley beside a rushing river, there lived three billy goats. One was very small, one was middle-sized, and one was huge, and they were called the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Every day they would eat the lush, green grass beside the river and they were very content.

One day, however, the Three Billy Goats Gruff decided they would like to cross the river and see if the grass was any greener on the other side. The grass was actually no greener, nor was it any tastier, but they all felt they would like a change. First, they had to find a way to cross the rushing river. They trotted a good way upstream before they found a little, wooden bridge. After a good supper of lush, green grass, they decided to wait until the next morning before crossing the little, wooden bridge, so they settled down for the night.

Now, what the Three Billy Goats Gruff did not know was that under the little, wooden bridge there lived a very mean and grumpy troll. He could smell the Three Billy Goats Gruff and he thought they smelled very good to eat. So the next morning, when the Three Billy Goats Gruff had had a good breakfast of lush, green grass, the troll was hiding under the little, wooden bridge, waiting for his chance to have a good breakfast, too.

“That little, wooden bridge does not look too strong,” said the very small Billy Goat Gruff. “I will go across first to see if it is safe,” and he trotted across the little, wooden bridge. But when he was only halfway across, the mean and grumpy troll leaped out of his hiding place.

“Who is that trit-trotting across my bridge?” he roared.

“I am going to eat you up!”

But the very small Billy Goat Gruff wasn’t ready to be eaten up just yet, so he bravely said to the mean and grumpy troll, “You don’t want to eat a skinny, bony thing like me. Just wait till my brother comes across, he is much bigger,” and with a skip and a hop, the very small Billy Goat Gruff ran across the bridge to the lush, green grass on the other side.

The middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff started to cross the little, wooden bridge, but when he was only halfway across, the mean and grumpy troll roared at him.

“Who is that trit-trotting across my bridge?” he roared.”I am going to eat you up!”

But the middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff wasn’t ready to be eaten up just yet either, so he bravely said to the mean and grumpy troll,

“You don’t want to eat a skinny, bony thing like me. Just wait till my brother comes across, he is even bigger.”

And with a skip and a hop, the middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff ran across the bridge to the lush, green grass on the other side.

Now the huge Billy Goat Gruff had been watching all the time. He smiled to himself and stepped out onto the little, wooden bridge. By this time, the mean and grumpy troll was getting very hungry indeed, and he was even meaner and grumpier when he was hungry. He didn’t even bother to hide but stood in the middle of the bridge looking at the huge Billy Goat Gruff who came trotting up to him.

“Who is that trit-trotting across my bridge?” he roared. “I am going to eat you up!”

“Oh no, you won’t!” said the huge Billy Goat Gruff, and he lowered his head, and with his huge horns, he butted the mean and grumpy troll into the rushing river. The water carried him far away down the river and he was never seen again. The Three Billy Goats Gruff lived happily for many more years, eating the lush, green grass, and they were able to cross the rushing river just whenever they wanted!

REad Next Story Winnie The Pooh Story

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story End

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